Tennis/Pickleball Rules (a.k.a. “Tennis Rules!”)
​The Tennis courts were recently revitalized and also added two pickleball courts.
Tennis shoes must be worn on courts. Proper tennis attire is required.
One member-one court. A court may only be used for one hour if others are waiting to play.
While playing tennis, children must be supervised by a responsible adult.
When using the courts at night, players should turn off the court lights when finished playing.
Children not playing with an adult member shall surrender courts to adult members at all times.
Rental of the club for a private party does not include exclusive use of tennis courts. Members shall have court privileges at all times subject to all rules and regulations.
FBI First Ball In
A legitimate volley where all players touch the ball to determine serve.
No animals on court other than Biscuit and Casper.
Children’s Tennis Programs
We have a popular program for children’s tennis. All children’s lessons are taught by a tennis coach. This schedule is developed as demand grows so email us at if you are interested.